Today we’re going to talk about some of the basics when it comes to pouring a curb and gutter or, in this case, a simple gutter pan. The questions we’re going to address in this vlog are:
What is a gutter pan?
When is a gutter pan required?
How is a gutter pan installed?
How much does a gutter pan cost?
We have Tim here with the pump truck today. He’s getting the pump started up and ready to go. Now he’s backing up the concrete truck and here he’s connecting the hose so that we can begin pumping this gutter pan. The forms are already set to grade and everything’s ready to go.

We have a small problem with the hose here, it looks like the hose is backed up. We may have some dried up concrete in there that needs to come out so Tim is beating on the hose and Tom is running the pump control.
There’s usually some kind of delay on most projects. This gutter pan was poured once before and then there was a change of plans, and we had to rip that gutter pan out and form it again. So this is actually the second time we’re doing this pour.

So what is a gutter pan?
A gutter pan in this context is an indented concrete slab that catches water runoff and sends it out to the street. It’s typically six inches thick and depending on the soil may or may not have four inches of gravel or road base beneath it. This gutter pan does have road base and wire mesh reinforcement.

When is a gutter pan required?
A gutter pan is usually required by the city to protect certain areas from erosion that water runoff can cause and it is laid out in the plans that come from engineer or the builder. This particular gutter pan that we’re pouring today has a six inch top curb so It’s basically the same as a curb and gutter except it’s beside the house in stead of beside the street.
How is a gutter pan installed?
Carlos explains some some of the finishing steps in the video. Prior to that, of course, grade is set according to plans and forms are set.

How much does a gutter pan cost?
So these two drains are approximately 80 lineal feet. The ground was already graded, it’s not difficult to access, other than having to do it twice it was a pretty straight forward job. Gold’s Concrete charges about $1800 for one of these gutter pans. Some things to consider is that if the job is not as straight forward, if the area is not clear of debri, if the ground is rocky and difficult to excavate, if the landscaping grade still needs to be set, if heavy equipment is required, etc, the cost would go up.
Interesting, huh? Let’s swing by the basement job and check on the guys over there.
In this video Cristian is drilling some holes into an existing footer in order to dowel in and connect it with the new, deeper footer. Louis is putting the dowels into the holes. Fabian is putting vapor barrier up where the new footers will be poured.

Also, we do a walk through and discuss some of what has already been done. With the video we try to paint a clear picture of what it looks like end to end, down and dirty. What would you like to see more of? What would you like to see less of? Let us know in the comments below!
The final part of this Vlog is dedicated to comments. We respond to comments on our videos, blogs and website so keep them coming and stay tuned! We post new vlogs every week and love to engage with our community. Contact Ricardo directly at rico.goldsconcrete@outlook.com to discuss a video opportunity on your project.
See the full video below.